UChicago HELP


Behavioral Intervention Team 

How are reports submitted to the University's Behavioral Intervention Team handled?

Reports submitted during business hours (between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday) are reviewed as quickly as possible, and forms submitted overnight or on weekends or holidays are reviewed the morning of the next business day.

The goal in addressing the report is to connect a student of concern with an immediate and appropriate resource. If the situation warrants immediate attention, the director and/or associate director of UChicago HELP will consult with the Dean-on-Call. If a well-being check is necessary, the Dean-on-Call, escorted by a University of Chicago Police Department officer, will attempt to make an in-person connection with the student.

Other resources that may be contacted to address a report include:

If a situation is ongoing, UChicago HELP will coordinate with the student’s Area Dean of Students for continual case management. The Area Dean of Students will work closely with the student for follow-up and continued intervention.

In extreme cases, the University Dean of Students and/or her designee will request a meeting of the University Behavioral Intervention Team. The Behavioral Intervention Team members will gather information, make an assessment, and consult with others as needed to develop and implement a plan to help and support the individual.

What is the Behavioral Intervention Team?

The mission of the multi-disciplinary Behavioral Intervention Team is to assess concerns that an individual poses, or may reasonably pose, a threat of violence to self, others, or the University community, and to initiate an intervention designed to avert the threat if it exists. The purpose of the Behavioral Intervention Team is to respond appropriately to concerns expressed about behaviors exhibited by anyone—students, employees, tenants, visitors, and unaffiliated persons—before a critical incident so that the campus remains a safe and secure working and learning environment.

Are Behavioral Intervention Team reports part of a students educational record?


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